This 50 piece bright floor puzzle has been carefully crafted and designed to fascinate and educate young minds. Little imaginations are captivated as they watch the scene of their wooden puzzle unfold, piece by piece.
Place the jigsaw pieces together to create a beautiful 360-degree360 degree scene. The floor puzzle’s size makes it perfect for group play as others can join in on the fun. Discover the seasons and which vegetables can be planted during the time of year as you build the puzzle piece by piece.
This floor puzzle is made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials and conforms to current European safety standards.
Seasonal Circular Floor Puzzle product features:
Toto 50 dielikové pestrofarebé drevené podlahové puzzle bolo starostlivo vytvorené a navrhnuté tak, aby zaujalo. Spojte všetky dieliky dohromady a vytvorte nádhernú 360 stupňovú scénu a objavujte všetky 4 ročné obdobia. Vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných a zodpovedne pochádzajúcich materiálov. Vyhovuje súčasným európskym bezpečnostným normám.
Rozmery: 39,4x39,4x0,5 cm
Vek: 2+
Materiál: drevo