Rolnička má priemer 4cm. Stuha je dlhá 60cm.
Prostredníctvom spiežovca dieťa trénuje motoriku. Snaží sa ručičkou dotknúť rolničky, to znamená, že sa musí bábätko veľmi intenzívne sústrediť. Zároveň sa učí pochopiť vzťah príčina-následok - rolnička pri udretí zazvoní.
Zaveste mobil tak, aby sa dieťatko mohlo natiahnutou rukou dotknúť rolničky.
Tactile mobile for accidental batting and kicking. Baby is making the connection that he is hitting the bell which is making the sound. Soon this will become intentional movement and he will know that he has control over his environment, he hits the bell and it make a noise. It is empowering for a child to set out to do something (hit the bell) and then to actually achieve it (and cause it to ring).
The bell on a ribbon is great for developing tracking and concentration, and it is also great for developing coordination and learning about cause and effect.
Diameter of the bell is 4cm, the ribbon is 60cm long.